someone planted a treeOne of the functions of the Planning & Zoning Office is to coordinate or assist with land use planning activities at the County and local level. Planning is focused on the future and sets goals, objectives and policies to help shape the vision the Townships and County have for the future. Planning activities that take place in the office range from facilitating the planning process for Towns in the County, to leading the County Comprehensive Plan that is required by State Statute.

Local Plans and Zoning

Each municipality in Waupaca County has a comprehensive land use plan. There are several other plans such as outdoor recreation, farmland preservation and bicycle and pedestrian plans that are in effect at a local level, but are typically created by the County. Over time many of these need to be reviewed or updated to reflect changing community values or circumstances. At the request of the community the County Planning & Zoning Office works with them to create or update their plans.

In addition, all the villages (6), cities (6), and towns (22) have zoning ordinances. The County Planning & Zoning Office administers zoning ordinances in all of the unincorporated areas with the exceptions of Dupont, Fremont and Harrison.

Comprehensive Plan Amendments

Every town in Waupaca County has a comprehensive plan (See tab to left) and each plan includes a Preferred Land Use Map (See tab to left) that is intended to guide development in their town. In some cases this map will prohibit a zone change when it is not consistent with the future land use map. If a Town decides that while it may not be consistent with the Preferred Land Use Map, it is consistent with the overall goals of the town then they may be willing to recommend a comprehensive plan map (Preferred Land Use Map) amendment. A comprehensive plan map amendment is a change or revision to a land use map designation assigned to a specific property (or properties). The comprehensive plan map amendment process can be lengthy since it requires a recommendation for approval from the Town Plan Commission and Town Board of the respective town as well as a recommendation for approval from the Planning and Zoning Committee and the final approval from the Waupaca County Board. The County's fee for a comprehensive plan amendment is $400. When a rezone petition is being considered at the same time the fee is $600.


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